On New Years Eve we often promise ourselves all sorts of things for the coming year. Sometimes it’s to lose weight, break a bad habit, stop doing something or start doing something. New Years resolutions could be massively improved simply by adding a little wisdom.

Many New Years resolutions revolve around our health, for example. And it’s great to make an effort to get physically fit, but people rarely succeed with this goal. It’s not because they’re lazy or don’t want it enough – it’s because they go about trying to achieve that goal in the wrong way. They don’t apply wisdom to it.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you really need to know about nutrition, hydration, different types of exercise, how to deal with stress without comfort eating. It’s simply not enough to book a gym membership and swear off cookies.

Or of you’re determined to stop drinking or smoking, you’ll sometimes set yourself up to fail if you rely on willpower rather than learning about addiction science, how to beat cravings, and how to find something that provides what that old habit gave you in a healthier way.

This year, why not make an extra resolution to become wiser in everything you do. Wisdom can help in every area of use_your_brainyour life.

Here are 5 ways you can become wiser this year and fulfil your goals using that wisdom:

  1. Read books as often as you can

Books are one of the greatest assets we have in the world. Almost every single book you read will expand your mind in some way. From poetry to philosophy to science to self-help, books are your way of gaining new perspectives, achieving new insights and filling your mind with knowledge. They can help you achieve your goals, too.

  1. Get to know your internal world

In this busy world, we often don’t stop to check whether something we are doing is right or wrong. We run on autopilot, reacting to situations rather than listening to what’s really going on with us. For example, if you’re trying to beat cravings as part of your New Years resolution, learn what a craving feels like in your body and what it might mean. Cravings are emotional as often as they are true desires for a substance. Get to know your instincts, your body and your mind by paying mindful attention to them.

  1. Look at the long-term

Everyone would be much wiser if they kept one eye on the future before deciding on a course of action. For example, if you break a New Years resolution, it may feel like a relief to give in in the short-term, but the day or hour or minute after, you may well wish you never had. Keep in mind the consequences of your actions and how you’ll feel about yourself before doing anything rash.

  1. Learn from others

There is often no need to reinvent the wheel, because someone somewhere will probably have been through a similar situation and will have some great advice to help you move forward. Whether you need 1:1 professional advice or help or would rather join a course or self-help group, the wisdom of others can help you get wiser and achieve your goals more successfully than doing it on your own.

  1. Be your own person

As much as it is useful to learn from others, it is equally important to apply whatever you learn in a way that suits you, your personality and your temperament. Don’t just copy what others do. Learn to mould others’ wisdom to meet your specific needs and circumstances. You are unique, and true wisdom means that others can be guides, but ultimately you find your own way with things.

Have a very happy and wise new year! 

https://www.wiseism.com/wp-content/uploads/use_your_brain.jpghttps://www.wiseism.com/wp-content/uploads/use_your_brain-300x239.jpgThe WiseistWise LivingWise Mindachievement,careers advice,change your life,goals,healthy body,living wisely,resolutions,thinking,wisdom,wise ways of livingOn New Years Eve we often promise ourselves all sorts of things for the coming year. Sometimes it's to lose weight, break a bad habit, stop doing something or start doing something. New Years resolutions could be massively improved simply by adding a little wisdom. Many New Years resolutions revolve...Using Wisdom To Improve Your Life